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Jewellery Collections

Horizon  Crossover ring set - Marc Johnson Jeweller

Silver Gemstone Jewellery Collections

Unique Silver and coloured gemstone jewellery collections, consisting of stand alone items and interlocking ring sets with polished textured surfaces.

Lemon Quartz Art Deco Pendant

Limited Edition

Distinctive, bold, limited edition pieces for the discerning jewellery collector, crafted in Silver with coloured precious gemstones.

Jewellery Training  |  Marc Johnson - Jeweller

B2B Jewellery Training

B2B Jewellery Training on a one - one basis is available for the following disciplines :

* Laser Welding

* Pulse Arc Welding

* Modern Stone Setting

* Wax Carving

* General Bench Skills

Citrine Pendant



Re-model your existing gemstones into a unique, bespoke piece of jewellery, available in most precious metals.

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